Much Ado About Mulch: Which One Is Best For Your Garden?

One of the interesting things about winter in Queensland is that it does not rain much. During July, Brisbane receives an average of 60 mm of rain compared to 130 mm in February. As a first-time homeowner, you may not be aware that the best way to protect your plants from these dry and cold conditions is to use mulch. Mulch traps moisture around the plants to keep them from drying out.

3 Ways To Save Money On Your Kitchen Renovation

Renovating a tired and dated kitchen is a fantastic way to give your home a fresh and modern look. Unfortunately, kitchen renovations are generally one of the most expensive renovation projects that you can undertake, and you may not think your budget will stretch to provide you with the kitchen of your dreams. However, with some careful planning and clever tactics, you can create a stunning and contemporary new kitchen without spending a fortune.

3 Curtain Design Tips to Make Your Living Room Look Bigger

Your choice of window furnishings can make or break your living room décor. Some curtains will make a room look smaller than it is while others will make it look big and visually appealing. Now, if you are in a home or apartment that has a small living space, the last thing you need is to choose furnishings that make the space look even smaller than it already is. This article will teach you four useful tips that you can follow when designing and hanging curtains to ensure that they enhance your living space and make it look large.

Bathroom Remodelling Tips and Solutions

Remodelling your home's bathroom can give you a space that is more inviting, perfect for when you want to relax in a hot shower or bath. Remodelling a bathroom also gives you a chance to add more storage, so your bathroom is more functional for everyone in the family. When you are ready to plan a bathroom remodel, however, you might note some important tips and solutions to discuss with your designer or contractor, to ensure you end up with a more functional yet more inviting bathroom space in your home.

How to Buy the Right Mesh Fence for Your Residential Space

A mesh fence is very durable and often very affordable, and choosing a high-quality mesh can mean little to no maintenance for the fence over time. To ensure you choose the best mesh fence for your property, note a few tips to keep in mind before you even begin shopping. Size of mesh The smaller the mesh, the more privacy and wind blockage you will get from your fence. Small mesh can also mean less of a toehold for anyone who might be tempted to climb the fence, so it's good for added security.